Practicing gratitude can change your life. Here's why. when you focus on what you are happy for, it feels good. When you feel good you feel love. when you feel love you share it. when you share love, other people feel it and share it back with you. It keeps going this way til everyone is feeling fine.
I am grateful for all of the birds that are hanging around my room in the morning, constantly singing and chirping. I am grateful for the wind as it rustles through the trees outside my window. I am grateful for how good it feels to breath. I am grateful to be alive, to be happy, and to be understanding more and more, being more present everyday, feeling more alive and hapy, and in control of my life every day. I am grateful for the birds, the bees, the apples, and the trees. I am grateful for the people, the church and the steeple. I am grateful for rhyming, timing, and deep see diving. I am grateful for the bibble and the bobble, the sniggle and the snoggle. I am grateful to be a holistic counselor, offering holistic counseling thats for sure! I am grateful for the mouseling and the rouseling, the hooseling and the booseling. I am grateful for being silly and being playful. I am grateful for other world perspectives. I am grateful for natural world living, for natural world being, for seeing, and for feeling good.
I am grateful for Eckhart Tolle, for rollie pollies and for butterfly mcgoos, and platypusses too! I am grateful for all the wonderful people with their lights a shinning. I am grateful for all the bright souls, their love a flowing, for all of the heart centered intentions, for all of the amazing scientific inventions--like refrigerators--phew, life would be much more challenging wihtout refrigerotrs, that's for sure! I am grateful for new connections, for new experiences, for new opportunities, for new gobble gooneries. I am grateful for spirituality and counseling, for offering spiritual counseling and also for danceling! I am grateful for bowls of quinoa with yumminess ontop. I am grateful for bountiful and beautiful creations of artwork and sculpture in the park. I am grateful for the smell of gardenias. I am grateful for the smell of roses. I am grateufl for the sound of beautiful music. I am grateful for the sound of light moving through the air. I am grateful for the sound of light moving through my hair. I am grateful to be a holistic counselor, offering holistic counseling. I am grateful for seeing myself tuning in even more fully to my unique soul vibration, offering it up like a plate of yummy sup! I am grateful to be free, to yell yeee, and to pee outdoors--good to be a man in this lifetime thats for sure.
I am grateful for Eckhart tolle and for spirituality and counseling. I am grateful to remember to follow my highest excitement, to feel into what serves my Heart best in every moment, to drop thought and go with the flow. I remember to live the natural life, connected to nature, conneted to life and peace and happiness. I remember to live simply, to let go of complications. The universe provides everything that is neccesary to live a healthy and happy life. I trust, let go, and love! THank you thank you thank you