To be thankful is an art form that takes practice. Most people have been taught that being critical, judgmental and dissatisfied is what motivates us to work harder to achieve our goals. This may be true for some, however it is a very limited form of creative expression, and is the difference between surviving and thriving. To truly thrive is to take action in your life based on inspiration, joy, and excitement. Practicing gratitude is the fastest way to connect yourself to your Heart, your soul, and your higher guidance. Here is what I am thankful for today
I am grateful for this breath. I am grateful for the beautiful sky and clouds, for the rain and the sun. I am grateful for the pure waters of Iao valley. I am grateful for the mountains, for the lush greenery, for the land, the earth and the soil. I am grateful for the earth and the sun. I am grateful to remember that the earth and the sun are our mother and father, and that we can take our nourishment from these two loving beings. I am grateful to know about the mind, to understand that who we are is beyond the mind, that the mind is only one aspect of who we are. I am grateful for gardenias, for roses, for lavender, for eucalyptus, for jasmine. I am grateful to be a holistic counselor, offering holistic counseling to people who are in need of support through their process of growth and integration. I am grateful to be alive, to be fully engaged in life, and to be living in alignment with my Heart and Soul.
I am grateful for the teachings of eckhart tolle, and for spiritual counseling. I am grateful for the vision in my Heart of being free, of being happy, of being joyful, of living close to the land, high up in the mountains, and down in the valley, near the ocean, and near the rivers, near the snow, and near the desert. I am grateful to know the power of prayer, the power of intention, the power of thoughts, feelings, and actions. I am grateful to know that I can put my intention into a song, and sing this song as a reminder of my Heart's vision. I am grateful for spirituality and counseling. I am grateful to be taking deep, natural, slow breaths, feeling fully engaged, alive, and focused on my Heart's desires. I am grateful for all of the wonderfully loving people around me, for all of the beautiful expressions of the Divine consciousness that are here and now. I am grateful for this beautiful experience of paradox, of limitation and awakening, of restriction and expression, of nothingness and allness. I am so grateful to sing and dance, to practice holistic counseling, for healing ulcerative colitis, for healing emotional trauma, for healing depression naturally, for healing anxiety naturally.
I am grateful for the two wonderful puppies that I care for, for their loving energy, for their healing energy, for their unconditional love. I see myself living to the most high, giving my love and energy for the upliftment of others, making art, making music, being happy, and sharing in life with all those people around me. I am vibrant, healthy, filled with energy, excitement, joy, and happiness. I am smiling, I am dancing, I am singing, I am standing tall and walking with a grace, ease, and spark that lifts others in their Hearts. I am living by the code of magic, bringing sweetness, gentleness, and magic wherever I go. I am fully engaged, fully present, working, playing, and just being with what is. I am living my life, free and happy. I am grateful for eckhart tolle and everything that I have learned through his teachings. I am grateful for spiritual counseling and being able to share what I have learned with others.