So grateful for all of the wonderful people in my life. I am so grateful for feeling this breath, feeling this body, feeling this moment, listening to the stories from my friends, spending time with friends and sharing energy and happiness. I am grateful for living on this beautiful property, sharing the space with wonderful people who are kind and generous. I am grateful for flowers, for bougenvilla, for gardenias, for roses, for lavenders, for jasmine, for swimming in beautiful rivers, for feeling the crisp air and the crisp wind on my skin. I am grateful for meditation and for feeling into my breath and soul's journey. I am grateful for holistic counseling, for being a holistic counselor.
I am grateful for the teachings of Eckhart Tolle and for spiritual counseling. I am grateful for working in the garden, and for feeling the earth beneath my feet, for having my hands in the soil and planting plants in the ground. I am grateful to be living a full and vibrant life, to be giving and receiving my energy. I am grateful for all of the blessings that have been shared with me. I am grateful for letting go, for bringing acceptance to whatever I am experiencing. I am grateful for the processes of learning and integration. I am grateful to be learning how to heal, purify, and nourish my body. I am grateful for the magic of the forest, for the magic of color and sound and light, dancing in a beautiful flow of creation. I am grateful for the bounty of goodness that has been showered upon me in this life. I am grateful for eucalyptus groves, for butterflies, for mountain streams. I am grateful for crystal bowls, for beautiful sounds, for healing sounds, for living life to the fullest.
I am grateful for healing meditations, for healing visualizations. I am grateful for holistic counseling and being a holistic counselor. I am grateful to be diving into life every moment, being present, focusing on positivity. I am grateful to look for the positive in every moment, in every situation, to be creating my life in the vibration that my Heart desires!! I am grateful for traveling, for the sense of newness, of creation, of allowance, of acceptance, of fun, silliness, joy, peace, and gratitude itself. I am grateful for the ever unfolding journey, for the excitement of new experiences, of new opportunities, of new and different sensations. I am grateful for peace and stillness, for meditation, for going inward and being with waht is. I am grateful to live in a healthy body, to have wonderful health, vitality, and energy. I am grateful to feel the light within my heart. I am grateful for relaxing and allowing new energies into my life, new experiences into my life, new feelings, sensations, and opportunities to arise naturally and easefully. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am grateful for holistic healing