There is a lot of fear around the world right now in regards to the coronavirus. I believe that even more damaging than the virus itself, is the collective fear that is infecting the masses right now. Fear could even be considered a virus, just as contagious as any other illness. But we each have the power to choose to not be afraid, and choose love instead. In every moment you are offered this profound choice; love, or fear. When you stay open, relaxed, and in a state of acceptance, you are choosing love. When you resist life, close down, or become reactive, you are choosing fear. The choice for love or fear may be very subtle from moment to moment, and can feel so automatic that it may not even seem like a choice, but in reality, it always is. And you know the difference immediately between love and fear based on the sensations and feelings in your body. Love feels open, expansive, and freeing, while fear feels restrictive, limiting, and isolating. It is never the circumstances of life that dictate whether you experience love or fear, but rather, a moment by moment decision made from within—a decision that profoundly shapes your experience of reality.
When you choose love, you are choosing to look beyond the fearful conditioning within yourself and others. Choosing love means remembering that each one of us is an expression of divine energy longing to be seen more fully. Choosing love means unlocking doors, taking down walls, and being open to all that life has to offer in each moment. Choosing love sometimes means letting go of that which is logical and practical, letting yourself do the unexpected, the thing that perhaps you were taught was unacceptable by society's standards—such as feeling love when it goes against all reason.
How can you hold love in your heart for a murderer? How can you hold love in your heart for those who are greedy and selfish? How can you love an illness, such as coronavirus. Not by thinking about it, but simply by allowing love to flow from you. Love is our natural expression. Surrender into love, allow love to flow into every breath, every thought, and into each movement. Become a channel for love by holding this intention in each moment. Love is who we are, and I believe that exploring the depths of love within the human experience is why we have come here.
Let go of your fear around the coronavirus, and instead, return your attention to your heart and to this moment. Allow yourself to soften, to lighten up, and to remember that this human drama is not what we think it is. Life is not as serious as the mind makes it out to be. Even those Souls who have inflicted incredible suffering on others are serving a purpose in the flowering of our collective consciousness. Intense fear and resistance on the part of a few (and the consequent pain inflicted out in the world through their behavior) can spark a journey of awakening among the masses, igniting self-inquiry, compassion, and heart-opening moments of shared unity and love.
There is a greater undercurrent of growth, learning, and expansion occurring for every Soul across the planet right now in the face of coronavirus, a process that the mind may not always understand. And we are all playing our part in this schoolroom—the rich, the poor, the joyful, the vengeful, those who would do harm, and those who would bring peace. When you choose love, you honor the wisdom of each Soul in creating their reality for their particular purposes of growth and learning. Choose love, and have faith that even though you may not understand the rhyme or reason for the events of the world, everything truly is happening for a reason.