I am grateful for this body. I am grateful for these life experiences. I am grateful for food that nourishes my body and soul. I am grateful for peace and stillness. I am grateful for being able to offer holistic counseling. I am grateful to be a holistic therapist. I am grateful for laughter, joy, and hapinness. I am grateful to be able to take deep full breathes, and to live my life in the way that I choose. I am grateful to erase old patterns of thoughts, emotions, and behavior. I am grateful to recreate myself in every moment. I am grateful to be alive, free, and healthy. I am grateful to have a still mind, I am grateful to be alive.
I am grateful for the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. I am grateful for the fresh air and for all of the loving people and beautiful natural world. I am grateful for deep breathing, for letting go, for trusting, and for moving forward. I am grateful for all of the natural abundance in my life. I am grateful for dancing and singing and being playful. I am grateful for wisdom, options, opportunities, and for following my heart. I am grateful for new friends and new connections. I am grateful for fasting and cleansing. I am grateful for purification and for releasing old stagnant energy. I am grateful for counseling services. I am grateful for online counseling and phone counseling.
I am grateufl for the rivers and the oceans, the beaches, and the montains, the wonderful moments of peace and clarity. I am grateful for letting go and trusting all that is. I am grateful to be the creator of my life, to be the master of this life, to be the liver and lover of this life. I am grateufl for wonderufl chinese monks who smile at me in the street. I am grateful for healing all the cells in my body. I am grateful for feeling peace and stillness within. I am grateful for being alive and to share love and joy with all those whom I meet. I am grateful to be with animals and to heal my body through nature. I am grateful to feel my connection to all of life around me. I am grateful for love and light. I am grateful for holistic counseling, for energy healing, for holistic health, and for healing from ulcerative colitis. I am grateful for allowing and receiving. I am healthy, I am healed, and I am strong. holistic counselor
I am grateful for learning to be with what is, for learning to be in peace, for learning to slow down, for learning to let go, for learning to be present, for learning to trust life, for learning to trust the universe, for meditation, for learning about stress relief.