I am grateful for my breath. I am grateful to be alive. i am grateful for stillness. I am grateful for flowers. I am grateful for all of the amazing people in my life. I allow the love of God to fill my Heart and spread to all the cells within my body. I am grateful for the sun. I am grateful to be able to give my energy to the upliftment of others and to stay in a fluid like space, allowing the energy to flow through me gently , peacefully, water like, with grace and ease and love. I allow myself to stay in a flexible and flowing state of being, letting go of cleverness and allowing peace and wisdom to enter my being. I allow myself to trust the Universe, letting go and letting god, knowing that whatever needs to come my way for the growth and evolution of my soul will come my way in the perfect time and place.
I allow the universe to speak to me, I open myself up to receive the messages of the universe, to be still and receptive. I allow myself to stay present and open and focused. Quieting my mind, allowing love, allowing peace, allowing blessings, allowing faith and light and surrender. I am grateful to be offering spiritual counseling to others. I am grateful to understand how natural healing can be when we allow ourselves to be in a state of peace and love. I offer myself complete forgiveness and unconditional love and acceptance. I am grateful for Eckhart Tolle and the spiritual growth that I've gone through over the last many years. I am grateful for the rain, for walking and running, dancing and singing, for being happy and content. I am grateful to follow my unique flow, to understand what my flow is, and to remember to continually tune into my Higher self and see what feels right and true in my Heart. I am grateful for holistic health and holistic counseling. I am grateful to have healed from Ulcerative Colitis. I am grateful for spiritual counselors and online counseling.
I choose love, I choose Now, I choose to be present, remembering that what is needed and what is required is my presence more than anything else. I am grateful to remember to ask myself, does this thought serve me? How do I want to breath? How do I want to live? How do I want to be in this world? Remembering that I can choose to live my life any way that I desire. Following my heart and recreating myself in the image of God in every moment. I am grateful for healing and counseling.