I am very happy to have fresh air to breath, beautiful sunlight to experience, fresh water to drink, healthy food to eat. I am grateful to live in a state of abundance and appreciation. I am grateful for all the wonderful people in my life. I am grateful for love, life and light. I am grateful for fresh water and rivers, and oceans that are warm and friendly. i am grateful for big turtles and beautiful fish that you can swim next to in the ocean. I am grateful to be a holistic counselor, to offer holistic counseling, and for all the wonderful people I get to connect with. i am happy to be in service to others, to offer my help and my services.
I am grateful for small puppies, for kitties, for the vision of building a beautiful earthbag house, to build a beautiful house with art and color and lovely flowers and vegetables and gardens. I am grateful for healing ulcerative colitis, for eckhart tolle, for spiritual counseling.
I am thankful to slow down, to take my time, to breath to be a holistic counselor. I am grateful for peace of mind, for eckhart tolle, for spiritual ounseling. I am grateful for abundance of time, energy good health, love, and resources. I am grateful for the fluid and smooth flow of life. I am graetful for my heart and for tuning into my intuition at a deeper level. I am grateful to have healed rom ulcerative colitis. I am grateful to stand up tall for what my truth is and for who I am. I am grateful to be a holistic therapist, for holistic therapy, and for doing what I love. I am grateful for creating art and music, and all kinds of beautiful creations. I am grateful for new connections and new friendships. I am grateful for all of the amazing blessings in this world. I am grateful for fresh grass, happy people, laughter and silliness, I am gateful for relaxation, and for growth.
I am grateful for this breath. I am grateful for this breath. I am grateful for the balance of yin and yang energy. I am grateful for holistic health, for healing energy, and for counseling services. I am so happy to play and run and dance, and be free, eckhart tolle, and have all kinds of fun, and to be gentle and in love with the world. I am greatfeul to be present and happy and to let all of life shower down into my body. I am grateful to be me, to be a unique expression of god. I am grateful to be a divine expression of life and love and light. I tak efull responsibility for my life and for all of my reations. I take full responsibility for every thought, emotion, and action.
I am grateful for holistic counseling, meditation, and healing ulcerative colitis