Writing daily gratitudes and appreciations is a great way to increase positivity, and help dissolve patterns of negativity and resistance.
I am grateful for the beautiful sky, for the earth, for all the beautiful plants and animals on the earth. I am grateful for big strong trees, for beautiful delicate flowers, for slowing down and breathing. I am grateful for relaxing my body, and for being in a peaceful state, feeling the gentle flw of energy through my body with every breath. I am happy to breath this energizing air. I am happy to be a holistic therapist, to offer holistic therapy to those who are seeking to understand themselves more fully. I am happy to have gone through a healing of ulcerative colitis, and to have a better understanding of how energy flows through life. I am grateful to be in service and to offer my light and energy to others to uplift and heal. I am grateful for spirituality and counseling, for eckhart tolle, for spiritual counseling, and for all of the wonderful people who are waking up to their true nature. I am grateful to be surrounded by loving, happy, alive, vibrant and loving people
I envision a world of honesty, courage, integrity, where people understand and feel their connection between each other and all of life. I envision a world of happy healthy people coming together to heal one another and the world. I see a circle of people singing, dancing, and celebrating life. I see happy joyful people building and creating form a plcace of love and acceptance. I am grateful to offer online therapy, phone counseling.
I am grateful for small beautiful dogs who have tons of energy. I am grateful to stand tall, to feel my healthy body, to feel alive, awake, and to have a balance of masculine and feminine energy. I am grateful to be in love with all of life. I am grateful for natural healing, natural remedies, holistic counseling. I am grateful to be alive and to be in this amazing experience and adventure of life. grateful for healing energy.