Writing our list of gratitude reminds us of how blessed we are, and all of the wonderful and positive aspects of life.  Here is mine for today

I am grateful for this breath, to feel the air going in and out of my lungs with every breath.  I am grateful for relaxation, for letting my body be in a natural state of relaxation, and allowing my muscles, my breathing, and my entire body to be in a peaceful state of acceptance and compassion.  I am grateful for dissolving the ego, for seeing the fearful thought patterns that keep me experiencing limitation and stagnation.  I choose love.  I choose to move forward into new experiences, knowing that all of life is constantly changing, that it is acutally impossible to stay in the same place.  I am really recreating the  moment however I choose, and I choose love.  I am grateful to be a holistic counselor, to offer holistic counseling.  I am grateful to help other people, to be opening more and more everyday.  I am grateful to be in a relaxed and peaceful state.  I am grateful to be remembering who I am, and to feel my connection to the Divine energy within all of life in every moment.  I am grateful to come back to my center whenever I feel any dissonant energy.  I am grateful for the wild blue water, the refreshing island air, and the cleansing and grounding ocean.  I am grateful to be alive on this amazing earth, to feel the ground below my feet, and to hear the wonderful sounds of nature.

I am grateful for the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, for spirituality and counseling, and for all of the openings and amazing transformations that take place when I stay focused on the path.  I am grateful for nourishing food, and for understanding how my body is best fed and nurtured.  I am grateful for the wonderful puppies that I take care of.  I am grateful for helping other people, for offering my healing and kind energy for the upliftment of other people.  I am grateful to have an abundance of energy, to feel my body alive and well with energy.  I am grateful to for healing ulcerative colitis, and to be learning more and more everyday about how to stay healthy and in good vital energy.  I am grateful to be alive, to be here now at this time, sharing this experience with all of the beautiful expressions of life.  I am gratful for stillness, for silence, for meditation, for balance, and for harmony.  I am grateful for letting go of the ego and loving all of life unconditionally.  I am grateful for this amazing experience of life, I am grateful for smiling, and for dancing, and singing, and being a joyful person.  I a grateful to move my body freely, to move my energy freely, and be in a place of surrender and acceptance.  I am grateful for holistic counseling, for spiritual counseling, and to be a holistic counselor.  I am grateful for energy healing, for qi gong, for yoga, and for painting.  I am grateful to be feeling creative, inspired, helpful, alive, active, and full of energy.

I see myself growing stronger, healthier, happier and more vital everyday.  I see myself breathingin the air, transmuting all negativity back into the energy of love.  i feel a pure white light in the center of my being, emenating out into this world, nourishing all forms of life.  I feel myself enveloped in this white light, feeling my connection to the earht, to the sun, and to all of life around me.  I am grateful healing depression naturally, for healing anxiety naturally, and for healing emotional trauma naturally.  I am grateful to be on this path of awakening.  I allow th elove of the Universe to fill my heart with every breath and spread to every cell and space in my beingness.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!